Happy Anniversary to Island Gurl Adventures!

It’s Island Gurl Adventures Birthday! Today February 8, 2018 Island Gurl Adventures turns ONE year old! It has been one year full of adventures, learning and growing. Thank you readers for being part of the Island Gurl Adventures community. Last February I launched this travel blog inspired to tell others about the wonderful places in my home Puerto Rico and around the world! This year there will be more blogs covering epic adventures. Spoiler: there will be skydiving involved! I love sharing travel stories and encouraging you all to get out of your comfort zone and seek the unknown whether it be within your hometown or across the country. I am inspired every day by other fellow travelers and I hope that in some way I have inspired you! I encourage you to read last year’s blogs if you have not done so already and subscribe to the blog to have special perks like being the first to get updated when a new post is published. Follow my Instagram for a daily dose of travel photography, videos, anecdotes, facts, tips and guides. Click the link to receive Island Gurl’s Packing Checklist for a Two Week Carry-on Trip as a gift on this special day. Happy Travels!